Tuesday 4 November 2014

November Currently...

This really wasn't how I envisioned myself as a blogger. I began this blog for all the right reasons and at this point in time I have stopped blogging for all the wrong reasons. It's been a rough couple of weeks for me. A family member is seriously ill and I've had to struggle with some inner demons. I'm trying to overcome it and perhaps this November Currently link up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade will help me feel better.
Listening - English soccer, Australian soccer, Indian soccer...You name it. SJ, my husband, probably watches it. He coaches the Under 10s team at a local club and if I do say anything...which I usually don't because I'm working when he watches soccer, he says he's learning. Fair enough. He doesn't hog the TV or anything like that. The moment, I'm off the computer we do watch something together so that's alright.

Loving - No school yesterday. A Curriculum Day, which meant it was a student-free day and that's always good. I don't mind Curriculum Days...especially if I've learnt something that I can bring back to the classroom.

Thinking - Six weeks...that's all I've got. 36 days and I'm done with the school year. I am going to miss this group of students. They are good kids. Probably the best cohort of kids I've had in the years that I've been in my present school. I'm a bit anxious about next year. Who I'll be teaching with? What grade level? I like...let me correct that...love my teaching partner and we would love to work together again next year but I've never had the same teaching partner twice thus far...so it's to be seen.

Wanting - Since I've been on the iHerb website, I've been really wanting a bag of Djorn Mustard chips and I CAN'T find any in the supermarkets here. I've had a chip craving for the longest of times and I have yet to indulge myself...very, soon.

Needing - Alright, this is the bit that's gotten me down. I received a summons on TPT for a product that I thought covered all the copyright. It was a series of posters that I had made for the 7 Habits of Happy Kids and when I got the warning and my strike, I felt I should have just been sent to prison. It wasn't intentional, in fact I had no idea I was violating copyright. There were so many other resources bearing the same name. It was bad enough that I had begun to doubt myself as a teacher. I mean, I think I'm a really good classroom teacher but then reading all these blogs, I just began to feel I wasn't as good as I thought I was. I didn't know what to blog about, I wasn't creating any resources and then I received the strike and that's when I had some serious doubts. I take great pride in what I do. This just threw me off. I decided then I didn't want to be reading any blogs because I didn't want to be influenced by what was out there. But then there was no inspiration and all the updates of all the wonderful resources that were being created only made me feel like a LOSER! Then I found out a close family member had cancer, it was all I could take.

Reading - I'm in the midst of reading Whole Brain Teaching and also doing an Indigenous module. I'm learning more about the Aboriginal and Maori culture to help me teach Inquiry this term, seeing that I'm not Australian...well not at the moment anyway. But I am hoping to use Whole Brain Teaching in my classroom next year so when I'm done with my module, I will be hopping back to the book.

Please do leave a comment. It would really help me to know, someone's actually reading this.


  1. There's some parts of Whole Brain teaching I've incorporated into my classroom and I've seen positive results. Sometimes, it seems like negative things happen in "threes"...hopefully, things get better and the family member is ok!

    The Third Grade Learning Spot

  2. I'm sorry things have been a little rough lately and pray that this month is a better one. Don't stress about the TPT violation too much. We all have hiccups. It's crazy to think we're only 9 weeks into school while schools across the globe are wrapping up right now. Enjoy these last 6 weeks!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late

  3. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so down:(. That's rough news about your relative, too.
    Try not to worry about other teacher blogs. Everyone posts the "best" of their classroom or day or teaching. I know I do. I think it's sort of like face book, only showing your positive side, which of course isn't very realistic.
    Sending you cyber hugs from Canada!

  4. I read your post and truly believe you that you are doing your best. Sorry to hear about the copyright issue and news about your relative. I hope everything sorts itself out. I often remind myself not to stress over what I cannot control. I agree with Melissa. School just got started here in Canada and I think about what are my possibilities this year. I always longed to do a teaching exchange in Australia. Enjoy your last few weeks. Cheers!

  5. Again, a lot of thought has gone into this blog and I commend you for that. Life throws hurdles by the bundle at us all the time and it's a struggle we all have to deal with. You're a fab teacher..keep up the good stuff!
