Saturday 4 July 2015

July Currently

Hey there, it's been awhile.  It's always great to link up with Farley from Oh Boy! Fourth Grade for the Currently Party.

As I write this, lunch is prepared (Mashed Chickpea Salad) and I am watching DC Cupcakes as I type this. I love anything to do with baking. If I wasn't teaching, I'd have my own bakery selling vegan goodies. 

It's the Winter break in Australia now. A week has gone by and I'm thinking "Where did the week go?!" It just zoomed past. I still have a week to go so that's good. I have been trying to get some work done, but found myself staring at the planners for next term and having a mental block. (Don't you hate it when that happens?) I did get some Whole Brain Teaching posters done which I'm quite proud of and will probably write about in a later post. 

I do wish this break would go on forever. I like catching up on reading blogs, magazines, I love the holidays. I somehow have a confidence boost over the holidays every time. It's like I can conquer the world. I do need to work on building my confidence. I'm always doubting myself and capabilities. When I began the blog a year ago, I thought I would have these amazing ideas I could blog about. Well the blog was there, the amazing ideas just weren't flowing, well at least I thought the ideas weren't amazing enough as compared to the amazing blogs that were out there by teachers. So what began as this awesome idea, just sort of died. 

Then I find out my mum was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and was told she didn't have a long time to live. My mum's a survivor though. We've had our ups and downs since then but she's pulling through and I'm pulling through. I've started to focus on eating healthy and exercising. 

The thing is my life is too short to be worried about if I'm as good as everyone else. So I'm giving this blog idea another shot. I revamped the look (the old look was awesome) but I needed something to bring me out of the closet. So in walked Megan from A Bird in Hand Designs, who helped me create a new look. I'll get there. I know I will. That's my July Currently. Peace. Out. 


  1. Hi! Your blog design looks amazing! Good Luck with your blogging journey! I cant wait to read all of your other amazing ideas!

    Tales from a Naturalista Teacha

    1. Thank you for your support Karmen. I'm hoping I'll come up with some amazing ideas. Fingers crossed.

  2. I think you blog looks amazing!!! Enjoy the last of your break! Hug you mom every chance you get! My dad lost his battle with cancer 3 1/2 years ago and I would give anything to see him one more time.

    1. Thanks Tessa. I've learnt not to take anything for granted. I have this one life and I want to live it to the fullest.
